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Product Information

Information & Specifications on our Products, Their Uses, Characteristics and Recipes

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snow crab

Snow Crab  | Chionoecetes spp.

The Snow Crab harvested from the depths of the Gulf of St. Lawrence is considered some of the highest quality on the market. They are harvested from depths ranging from 30ft to 1500ft in traps, or locally referred to as pots, resting on the sandy bottom of the ocean floor. Crab meat has many uses but is most often enjoyed as is, right out of the shell.

Season: May-June

atlantic cod

Atlantic Cod  |  Gadus morhua

Season: July-September

Atlantic Cod is a highly versatile fish sustainably harvested with gillnets. It's meat is very lean and has a subtle taste that pairs well with many different flavours. Salted cod fish is a tradition here on the Lower North Shore, handed down from our ancestors and still found in most of the homes in our communities. 

atlantic lobster

Atlantic Lobster  |  Homarus americanus

Season: June-August

Atlantic Canada is a major producer of, what is also called, American Lobster. They are harvested from approximate depths of 15 to 1000 feet in wire-mesh traps and can be enjoyed steamed, boiled, grilled or baked. The mild yet sweet flavour is paired well in many recipes but locally is most often enjoyed right out of the shell, as is. 


Atlantic Mackerel  |  Scomber scombrus

Season: July-October

Mackerel is a very nutritious and plentiful fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They travel in large schools and are harvested by seines, which is a type of net. It has a more rich flavour than that of other whitefish but is excellent on the barbecue or smoked.


Whelk  |  Buccinum undatum

Season: August-September

Whelk are usually found on the ocean floor and are harvested using traps similar to a crab pot but smaller. They have a similar taste to clams but with a more robust flavour. Whelk, or locally known as "wrinkles", are typically steamed and often they are soaked and bottled in a salt water or vinegar mixture.


Herring  |  Clupea harengus

Season: July-October

Harvested with seines, the Atlantic Herring is a plentiful fish with a range of uses. Pickled, smoked or salted are seen often but herring can also be canned, fried, baked, grilled and more. Typically fresh herring has a delicate taste but with a more oily full flavour. 

sea cucumber

Sea Cucumber  |  Cucumaria Frondosa

Season: Varies

Sea Cucumber in this area are harvested as an exploratory product to deduct what the stocks, size and health of the species is. They are considered a delicacy in some countries, boasting a high nutrition value that is shown to have immune boosting properties. 


Capelin  |  Mallotus villosus


Capelin are a schooling fish that are sustainably harvested with seines. During their spawning season they can be found in large masses along beaches, which is locally called the "capelin roll". They can be dried, salted, fried or fresh and have a similar taste to that of herring. 

lumpfish roe

Lumpfish roe  |  Cyclopterus lumpus


Commonly referred to as "the caviar of the north", lumpfish are harvested from depths of 50-300 meters along rocky seabeds using gill nets. Lumpfish roe is high in omega-3 fatty acids and have a salty but also sweet taste. It can be enjoyed as is but is also a great addition to a wide variety of meals. 


Atlantic Halibut  |  Hippoglossus hippoglossus

Season: July-September

Atlantic Halibut is a very large flatfish that can weigh up to 700 pounds. It is quite versatile, with a mild, sweet taste. It can be cooked in a number of methods, pairing well with a wide variety of sauces and flavours. The meat is thicker and holds well. 


Sea Scallops  |  Placopecten megallanicus

Season: June-October

Much bigger in size to the Icelandic Scallops (that we also harvest), the Sea Scallop is a sweet, rich tasting meat that can be enjoyed raw or cooked. Often they are eaten on their own, but can also be prepared in a variety of recipes for example, wrapped in bacon. 

Lobster & Mackerel
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1 rue Baie Chevalier

St. Paul's River, QC

G0G 2P0

Tel: (418) 379 2087

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